A lot has happened since my last post. First I was told on my birthday via voice mail that my mom was undergoing breast cancer surgery. I must admit I didn't believe it since the night before I talked to her on the phone and she was in good spirits and it didn't seem like anything was wrong. I have to say that I was and still am a little upset that they knew about all this way before Christmas and that they waited till the day of to tell any of us. Secondly, being told that Bella's head has grown too quickly and that there might be some sort of problem. So off to Children's Hospital we go to get an ultra sound done on her head, thankfully nothing was wrong, she just has a big head, which is perfectly fine with me.
Now onto my mom...its been a very difficult road for her after the surgery. While she was recovering from her breast surgery, she got a really bad infection in her knee. So, back into the OR she went where they drained her knee and started her on some heavy antibiotics. Once she finally got checked out of the hospital, she was told that they did not get all the cancer in her arm and that she had a cancer spot on her spine. Now, she is taking medication to stop the spread of this cancer while not being able to walk cause of her knee. And yesterday she was told that once this infection clears up in her knee that she will have to have a total knee replacement. It just seems like the hits just keep coming...I know she isn't the only person that has ever gone through this and I know that we're not the only family dealing with all of this but it doesn't make it any easier on any of us. I just got back from visiting with her on Wednesday, it had to be one of the hardest visits I've ever had with them. I'm not use to seeing my mom in a wheel chair and barely being able to move around. I think what made me the most sad was seeing her with Bella. She just wanted to love on her and hold her and it was hard for her to do that, cause these days Bella is very active. It was very hard for me to leave them on Tuesday to drive back up to Ohio. I know we still have a very long road ahead of us....but I am determined to stay positive.
advice...hug your mom today...I love you mom!!