And just like begins

Sunday, May 1, 2011

for a split second I thought we had a newborn again....

So our little bundle of joy is ill...sadly.  You would never know by day that she is congested but by night you definitely can tell.  We've called our pediatrician 3 times about it and all we can really do is giver her saline drops and a decongestant.  She's so miserable...which means we're both very miserable.  But, I have to hand it to her, she's a trooper.  She doesn't have a fever, she is still eating, and still acts normal during the day.  Last night was really rough, we put her to bed at her normal time like we do every night and she slept till about 10:30ish and then she was coughing, sneezing, oh the sounds coming from her poor little nose...made us both so helpless and sad.  So, out goes my husband to any open pharmacy to find something to help her.  I however stayed at home, rocked her back to sleep and then the googling started and the pediatrician calling...etc.  I have to say sometimes I love our pediatrician and well sometimes I hate our pediatrician.  But, I know they would do the same that we've been doing if we did bring her just sucks, I hate seeing her so miserable and not being to sleep good (cause she's a great sleeper).  So, daddy comes back, we give her a little more decongestant and we put her back to sleep....3 hours later, same thing, for a split second I thought we had a newborn again.  At 4 in the morning we were commenting on how we didn't miss this part about having a baby.  So, for now our little bundle of joy is in her swing sleeping somewhat soundly (as much as you can when you nose is stuffed up) and I just hope and pray she gets over this really soon...heck I'll take her sickness for 2 months if it means she can sleep again...through the night.

She's a trooper though, we took her out to a bark for life event, thinking its nice out and maybe the fresh air would help and she smiled and slept the whole time!!