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Friday, January 6, 2012

What is a least my view on it

When I was younger (much younger), I looked forward to my birthday, I looked forward to the cake my mom would make, the presents that I would get, and just feeling super special on that day.  I looked forward to listening to my parents tell me the story of my birth and loved hearing it every year.   Now, birthdays (at least mine) are different.  In all honesty, I feel that we should be saying happy giving birth day to our moms.  They did all the hard work.  And, I probably say this now, because I have given birth to a baby and know how that day will always be one of my very favorites.  So, this year, I just feel blessed that my mom went through all that to have me and that she is still here with us and that is more than I could ever want.

So...Mom...Happy Giving Birth Day, thank you for all you did for me these last 33 years!