And just like begins

Thursday, March 31, 2011

almost 5

Its so hard for us to believe that Bella is almost 5 months.  I never thought 4 months ago that we would be sleeping through night....ever again!  I have to say the last 5 months have been wonderful.  She makes me a better person through and through, and I cannot believe that she is mine!  We are truly blessed with such a happy beautiful baby girl!  We love you so much my dear!

Monday, March 7, 2011

4 months....time goes by so fast!

Its hard for me to believe that Bella is already 4 months old.  It seems just like yesterday that we were bringing her home, scared out of our minds, thinking...okay now we're in charge of another human being...what do we do now?  Its been a wonderful 4 months, she is worth all the sleepless nights, all the spit up rags we wash, all the nights that I miss one of my shows I use to watch, and definitely all the weekends that we use to go out.  We love her more than words can express and cannot believe that this time last year we were pregnant and didn't even know it.

We are very truly blessed....our sweet girl Bella we love you SO much!!