And just like begins

Saturday, December 18, 2010

the never-ending grunting...

I knew when we 1st started trying to get pregnant that having a baby is no picnic, wait...I knew way before then but you know what I mean.  So far Bella has been wonderful, yeah the middle of the night feedings aren't easy but its been manageable.  She rarely ever cries, only if she needs something.  But, lately at 4 in the morning after we've fed her, she starts this grunting sound and it lasts for the next couple hours until her next feeding.  I know that newborns make weird noises but the problem is we need that couple hours of sleep in the morning, it makes a HUGE difference in how our day goes.  Last night was no exception except, I gave Todd C. the night off since he has 2 finals today (yes I know its Saturday but c'mon this is the Air Force we're talking about and well they don't care).  He usually helps at night by changing the diaper and what not.  I have to say last night was horrible, I was exhausted, she was exhausted and well neither one of us wanted to deal with the other (she's 5 weeks going on 16).  What I'm trying to say is, her grunting is killing me, literally.  I don't know if this is ever going to pass, I hope this is just a newborn thing.  Yes, I am thankful that she's healthy and thriving but gosh if I could ask for 1 thing for Christmas, it would be that the grunting go away forever.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

30 Days with a baby

Bella is now a month old....1 whole month!  The last 30 days have been wonderful, hard, interesting, exhausting, and well a HUGE learning experience for all of us (including the dogs).  But, I would do it all over again if I had to.  I never thought in a million years that I would love someone as much as I love her...especially so quickly.  Todd and I were talking last night on how weird it is that she's here with us and how over a month ago she was in my belly and how strange it is to finally put a face with all the kicking and hiccuping and moving and also how she was a night person in the womb and is still a night person (just like us).  I've been taking pictures of her everyday and to see the changes is amazing.  And it makes me a little sad to know how quickly she's going to grow up but right now I'll live in the present.

Happy 1 month my baby girl...daddy and I love you so very much!!