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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Binky Bootcamp...aka taking the pacifier away from BR

We did it, its our fault, and we take full (okay part) responsibility why she has this addiction.  As I was laying in bed the other night (husband and both dogs snoring up a storm...aargh), I was thinking that maybe we probably need to not let her sleep with the paci anymore (envisions daughter graduating high school with pacifier in mouth).  Now to be fair we don't give it to her all the time or even to shut her up (like some parents I have seen...ahem).  We just give it to her at night and during her naps.  Before Bella was born I always said I wouldn't be that parent that has a 4 year old thats still sucking away on their paci (I apologize now if whoever is reading this has one of those).  So, when she was born Todd and I agreed NO PACIFIER's!!  We went with it for awhile, I believe it was at her 1 month checkup that the doctor asked if she sucked on a paci and of course we said no.  Well, she then told us that it helps some babies sooth...blah, blah, blah, blah, and oh blah.  So, we decided to see how she reacted to it and well, she loved it, thinking back on it now, it was a bad move on our part.  We should of stayed strong!  Fast forward 8 months to August 2011, we now have agreed to get rid of it all together.  So, I decided to start with nights (since thats when she's most tired). Todd came in as I was giving her a night time bottle and I said I'm not giving her the pacifier tonight, he all, and I said yep, good luck he responds.  I thought cold turkey should work, she's exhausted, it will be fine.  As soon as I laid her down, she knew exactly what was missing....her drug!  I came downstairs and said we'll wait for 10 minutes and if she doesn't stop crying by then, then I'll go back up and give it to her.  She didn't, in fact when I went in to give her back her drug (I guess I'm considered her drug dealer, ha) she was sweating and crying (like withdraw symptoms).  I felt bad but decided that every night we'll just make it longer and longer till we go give it to her.  I hope tonight is a bit easier on us both...stay tuned!!


  1. oh you are a brave, brave lady! We let Maggie keep hers until she was almost 3. Honestly... I don't regret it at all. It was MUCH easier to do then when she understood it. She fussed a little but after one night, she was over it. We started around 6 months or so only letting her have it for naps and sleeping, so she was used to that already. We just fought SO hard for her to be a good sleeper for a like A YEAR, I wasn't about to mess that up. LOL But some babies need it more than others, I think (Maggie never had a lovey or blanket or stuffed animal- just a paci in the mouth and one in each hand... quite a sight to see as she was falling asleep. ha I hope the bootcamp goes well!! She won't remember any of it, so just keep that in mind when she's fussing :) !!

  2. I threw my boy's pacifiers out at 6mths. In one day. It's more work to wean them off of it than to just deal with the fussing for a few days. I recommend cold turkey Joy! I didn't want to be the parent with a toddler that had a paci either! Lots of speech delays come hand in hand with that! Good luck and keep us all posted!

  3. Dom had his till he was almost 3. It was so easy to get rid of....I am with Jen since they understood it made it easier.
    We actually just took Logans yesterday. So far so good. He has asked for it a few times but we just say now (he will be 2 next month).
    I hope she gave it up for you!!
