And just like begins

Monday, November 8, 2010

hello Bella? you can join us anytime you want....we're more ready than ever

So far no baby yet....sadly.  I go to my next appointment tomorrow so we're hoping for some progression, since last week there was none.  We've done (I feel) all that we can to help her get on her way, I feel the same though.  We've received an over abundance amount of phone calls, emails, and text messages about any "new" news and we hate to disappoint but absolutely no new news.  So, I decided to take full advantage of my last few days and get my hair done today and I feel better, now maybe she'll come knowing that my hair will look good for pictures.  So, keep your fingers crossed that tomorrow we have some progression...waiting sucks!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you had your hair done! I am sure that is what prompted Bella to start to "come down the slopes." Also, very practical to do your hair now because I think you will be a little busy as soon as she arrives! I can't wait to see pictures of her!!
