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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

still waiting....but with a possible complication

So, yesterday I had a very interesting doctor's appointment...lets just say that it wasn't what I expected.  I gained rarely any weight, which is good.  Baby's heartbeat...perfect, belly measurement right where it should be....then comes the blood pressure...high, just like last week, so their thinking maybe I have preeclampsia.  So, to take precautions my midwife wanted me to get blood work done and then do this urine test for 24 hours (which was not fun at all).  So, tomorrow I go in for another appointment and get the results back of these 2 tests and get my blood pressure taken.  Now, lets not talk about how they "checked" my cervix right before my blood pressure was that could possibly be why it was so high.  Anyone who knows me knows that I get worked up about stuff very easily...sometimes too easily (my poor husband) like for example...there was a kid screaming in the waiting room (the mother did absolutely nothing about it) and wasn't an I'm upset scream, he was just screaming...I could feel my blood pressure rising.  So, who knows whats going on.  The worst case scenario is that they will induce me tomorrow or Friday if I truly have preeclampsia, which I guess wouldn't be so bad.

I do have to add that I was a bit upset over this...I've tried very very hard to do everything right in this pregnancy and I feel truly blessed that we've gotten this far with no we'll see tomorrow what's going to happen with baby girl...till then we wait!!


  1. Oh, Wow! Sorry to hear about the possible complication. You have been doing everything right - you can't help screaming kids in the waiting room or uncomfortable cervix checking. Both things that would make my blood pressure go up. Fingers crossed for everything to be okay.

  2. *hugs* and prayers for good test results
    Knowing that God only gives people what they can handle has gotten me through a lot lately and I hope that can help you get through this as well.
